THE NEXT FIELD provides direct services to clients as well as through collaboration with other business partners.
The range of specialist needs that our clients require is wide, so developing a strong network of reliable associates is crucial to our success.
THE NEXT FIELD currently works with these partners:
Specialists in Planning and Development, Green Space and Environmental Management and GIS Development.
Viper Marketing & Communications Group is Strategic, Creative, Marketing, Training, Rural and Outdoor Adventure.
In addition to the expertise within the company and our main partners, The Next Field works with a number of talented freelance Associates who bring additional skills and experience to the business mix – covering disciplines including ecology, garden history, arboriculture, forestry, grounds maintenance and horticulture, play, events, IT, catering, marketing, education and interpretation.
We are a registered charity which works to improve parks and green spaces by raising awareness, involving communities and creating skilled professionals.
Follow the links from the Bristol Parks home page including information on the Case Studies for the Parks and Green Space Strategy, Ashton Court, Blaise Castle and Arnos Vale Cemetery.
Epping Forest is the largest public open space in the London area. At almost 6,000 acres it stretches 12 miles from Manor Park in East London to just north of Epping in Essex. A popular area for recreation and enjoyment it is also of national and international conservation importance with two thirds of it designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation.
Bristol's spaces to play are better than ever following an ambitious programme of improvements. Now, over 30 local parks and play spaces have been remodelled and improved as part of our campaign to encourage children to play outdoors.
Specialists in Planning and Development, Green Space and Environmental Management and GIS Development.
Viper Marketing & Communications Group is Strategic, Creative, Marketing, Training, Rural and Outdoor Adventure.
Thank you to the following for allowing use of their photos on this website:
Photo credits:
Cellan Michael
Richard Goldthorpe
Cheryl Martin
Nic Ferris
Keith French
Jonathan Preston
Pete Leaver
David Wilson Partnership